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The contents on the following page contain information addressed exclusively to HEALTHCARE OPERATORS, as they refer to products re-entered in the category of medical devices that require the use or intervention by professionals in the medical-health sector in compliance with current legislation .

Urodynamics and GI manometry


Dyno Smart

DYNO SMART The Advanced GI Manometry system
Double unit version.
Central Unit provided with a trolley to carry the computer, printer and isolated power supply with insulated transformer. Patient Unit provided with a IV pole, wireless comunication on which the acquisition box. perfusion pump, puller and wireless module are installed. The lightweight pole allows the operator to place it easily near the patient.

  • Single Unit version
  • More compact version, it is based on a single trolley
  • 10-channel acquisition card, expandable with further cards
  • Channels of Pressure, breath Electromyography, , swallow. pH; All channels are plag and play
  • Perfusion pump at 8 plastic capillaries housed in cartridge easily replaceable
  • Air Compressor to power the pump with 2 bacteriologic filters
  • Withdrawer of the catheter with speed controlled via software or remote control
  • Infrared Remote control, to handle the main functions

Remote assistance with modem Extremely useful to give prompt support and for software upgrading


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